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Asian Hornet - information and how to report - click here (opens as a PDF file)


Ordnance survey map of Stelling Minnis area

Image produced from the Ordnance Survey Get-a-map service. Image reproduced with kind permission of Ordnance Survey and Ordnance Survey of Northern Ireland.


 Where are the cattle on the common?

Click here for details



Use the links below to navigate the web site. Just close any page visited to return here.

  Go to Recently Amended pages for latest changes

Contact Us

Parish Councils
Stelling Minnis Common
Clubs and

Reference Pages
Recently Amended Pages
(Including new Parish Council notices and advice on web site page updates)
Stelling Minnis
Bye-Laws for Stelling Minnis Common Art Club
Whats on (Diary of events)
Bossingham Village Hall
Upper Hardres

New Residents Guide Beavers
Index of Pages
Bus Services
Upper Hardres
The Common and Minnis Managers Brownies
Spotlight (F&HDC)
Cesspools and Septic Tanks

Elmsted Where are the cattle grazing
Bossinhgham Youth

About the Site
Footoath Warden
   Stelling Minnis Planning Applications Friends of Stelling Minnis Common (FOSM) Cub Scouts
Map of Properties
Mobile Library
   Road Works and closures Minutes of meetings of the Managers of Stellling Minnis Common
Affinity Water Tap Chat
Neighbourhood Watch
Minnis Management Plan 2005-2015 Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Privacy Policy
Stelling Minnis CE Primary School
    Minnis Management plan 2016-2025 Gardening Society
Bossingham Pre-School
    The Mystery of the Minnises Guides
 Village Appraisal 2007/8
Community Noticeboard
    Rights of Access over the Minnis
Hardres and Stelling News
Sports and Leisure Trust (Bossingham)      Commons act 2006
Hardres and Stelling News collage of front covers
Stelling Minnis Village Hall       History Group  
Stelling Minnis Post Office and Stores       Stelling Striders Heritage Safari 2023 and info or ordering copies of the film/talk sets.
Stelling Minnis Windmill & Museum       Village People  
Tree Warden



Reporting Highways Faults. Tel: 03000 418181 or click here to report faults on carriageways or footpaths on line          
Contacting the Police:
Website: www.kent.police.uk
Twitter: @kent_police
Facebook: Kent Police
In an emergency: 999 (if life is in danger or crime is in progress)
Non-emergency: 101
Guides to protecting yourself and your property: Click to view

If you have a problem with this web site, please contact smwebmag@yahoo.co.uk so that I may have the opportunity to look into the problem and make a change, if needed.           



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RIGHTS OF ACCESS (added 1 March 2003)


We have received a copy of a document which has the grand title :

Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000: Section68

Non-Statutory Guidance Note on the vehicular access across common and other land (England) regulations 2002

Statutory Instrument 2002 No. 1711

It is not as daunting as it sounds and is written in plain English. It runs to 18 pages and includes 49 frequently asked questions on this subject. It is very informative but any one reading it will understand that it is a complex subject, and why the Parish Council cannot give advice on an individual case.

Enquiries on the content (but not case specific advice) should be addressed to:

The Common Land Branch, Zone 1/05 Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6EB. Tel. 0117 372 8520 or 6266.

E-mail: commons.villagegreen@defra.gsi.gov.uk

Our thanks to Derek Blades for this information


Note added 2 November 2005:


In The Sunday Telegraph of Oct. 23rd 2005 there was an article about a person who had been having problems establishing a right of access across land owned by The National Trust. He eventually got it after a protracted delay. Residents of the Minnis should note that the procedure, if there are no snags, will take at least 3 months.


The useful information is that The Land Registry has a Practice Guide 52 on this subject and can be viewed at www.landregistry.gov.uk

See also the Guide for new residents- pdf file - click to download file

Legal requests relating to access across Stelling Minnis Common should be taken up with your own Solicitor and not made of the Parish Council, Minnis Managers or Charles Gooch of Savills.

About the web site

No liability accepted for information provided by third parties.  Whilst every effort is made to ensure that this web site is virus free, no liability is accepted for any damage, howsoever caused,  to any computer or information stored on it arising from use of or visiting this web site or any links from it to other sites.

Conceived in 2002, this web site is produced and maintained for Stelling Minnis Parish Council and is intended to be a valuable source of information on the Village, Parish Council and Clubs and Societies who have members in the village, which includes Bossingham.  It is not a medium for advertising (other than as a “what’s on” item, although some local services will be listed), comments or opinions – the relevant media for that is the Village Magazine.

In 2021 the Parish Council elements were moved to a new site to allow accessibility requirements to be met for public bodies.  Go to the Stelling Minnis Parish Council web site - click here.

Additional pages will be created as necessary and linked in the alphabetical index.  Please feel free to submit any factual information for new or existing pages together with any events for the “Whats-on” section, by e-mail to smwebmag@yahoo.co.uk

Web site designed and maintained by Nick Smith.  Web site url and hosting facilities kindly donated by Simon Wood of Terabyte Computing Ltd

If the Parish Council decide that any information published is unsuitable then it will be removed without notice.

Privacy Policy

To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) you are advised that information contained within individual web pages on this web site is gathered from:

Indivuduals or representatives of clubs and societies, churches or other organisations who have requested web space on this web site;

Links to other public web sites where these are relevant for the community of Stelling Minnis and Bossingham;

Data is held both on a remote secure server provided by Terabyte Computing Limited and on computers operated by the Stelling Minnis Parish Councils' designated web master and asssitant.

It is the responsibility of the organisation who requested web space on this web site to ensure that the information given, including names of persons, e-mail addresses, links and telephone numbers are correct; and to advise the web master of any changes required, by e-mail.

Information given and published on this web site is considered to be in the public domain. No information held will be sold to third parties.

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 The contents of this page is not the direct responsibility of Stelling Minnis Parish Council; it is provided as a community service.

Page designed and produced for Stelling Minnis Parish Council by Nick Smith  -  12 November 2009

Updated 27 May 2024

Web site url and hosting facilities kindly donated by Simon Wood of Terabyte Computing Ltd