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The Windmill is off the B 2068, the main Canterbury to Hythe Road,

about 7 miles south of Canterbury. See home page for map



Open from Easter Sunday then every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday until the end of September


Special Group Bookings by arrangement


Sorry - payment by Cash only


For information e-mail






The Grade One listed picturesque wooden smock mill at Stelling Minnis, between Canterbury, Folkestone and Ashford, has been  completely renovated to repair weather damage.  The picture on the left is as it was and the one on the right the newly restored mill.  Both pictures by Annie Wood.


The Mill is in Mill Lane, a turning off Curtis Lane at its junction with Bossingham Road.


The mill is owned by Kent County Council and managed by the Stelling Minnis Windmill and museum Trust which was came in being on 26 January 2010.


It was built by the Holman brothers of Canterbury in 1866 and is known as Davison’s Mill after the family who worked it for a century until the last miller Alec Davison died in 1970.


The renovation was carried out by I.J.P. Conservation incorporating The Chiltern Partnership of Oxfordshire at a cost of £120,000. The money being provided jointly by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Kent County Council and the work took three months. The mill itself and its associated museum was closed to visitors during renovation work.


The museum tells the story of mills and millers, the local agricultural scene, and includes a diorama of the ancient manorial common of Stelling Minnis, one of the few remaining unenclosed commons in the South East.


This water colour painting is by Derry Lowe.                                                 

     Windmill in 1960 before restoration.
 Photo by Sandra Janman.





For other historical information - visit the Historical  Society Web Page - click here


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  The Windmill & Museum is now open

Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays 2-5pm from

Easter Sunday to end of September


cream teas available

Payment by Cash Only

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We rely very heavily on the help of the community for the open day afternoons to ensure visitors have a memorable experience, both touring the Mill and enjoying the Cream Teas that we offer. Have you given a thought to helping, but perhaps felt unable to commit yourself due to not knowing what this entails?  Training sessions will be arranged - do please contact Shelagh Carter.

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Watch this space for imformation on the 2025 Fete

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The content of this page is not the direct responsibility of Stelling Minnis Parish Council.


Page designed and produced for Stelling Minnis Windmill and Museum Trust by Nick Smith  - 25 October  2002

 Updated 13 November 2024


Web site url and hosting facilities kindly donated by Simon Wood of Terabyte Computing Ltd