Home page (with map of area)       Click here for map of houses

Recently added or changed pages (other than the Diary of Events page) are listed below, Scroll down or use the links on the left.

Contact us

Alphabetical index of this web site pages and links

Diary of events

Village Correspondents  

About the site (read me)

Clubs & Societies

Villages Magazine (Hardres-Stelling News)

Managers of Stelling Minnis Common
Friends of Stelling Minnis Common (FOSM)
Stelling Minnis Parish CouncilNew

Recent additions or changes

Click here for guidance and information on Coronavirus - Covid19

Asian Hornet - information and how to report - click here (opens as a PDF file)


Church services for August added.  Click on Church name for details   St Mary's Stelling     Sts Peter & Paul Upper Hardres     Stelling Methodist
Added 16 June 2024
Hardres and Stelling News - front cover picture for August 2024 added. Click here to view
Added 21 July  2024
Stelling Minnis Village Hall - report on condition - read ot download as a PDF File - click here.
Go to Stelling Minnis Village Hall web page - click here
Added 18 July 2024
Change of footpath warden for Stelling Minnis - click here for more information or here to visit the Stelling Minnis Parish Council web site.
Added 14 July 2024
Church services for July added.  Click on Church name for details   St Mary's Stelling     Sts Peter & Paul Upper Hardres     Stelling Methodist
Added 16 June 2024
Cattle returned to the Minnis - click here for location
Added 15 June 2024
Minutes of May Stelling Minnis Parish Council meeting  and Annual Parish Meeting published - click here to read/download.
Added 15 June 2024
Stelling Minnis Parish Council - new planning application received:
24/0686/FH - Longacre, Stone Street, CT4 6DD - Change of use from the personal use of hydrotherapy pool to Class E to extend the use of the hydrotherapy pool to others in need.  For more details click here
Added 23/5/24
KCC Services - Digital and broadband support, Pregnancy support, recycling communications equipmernt - Click here to view and download posters,
Added 5 April 2024

Stelling Minnis Village Hall - committee members revised - click here to visit page.
Added 2 October 2023
Film nights in Stelling Minnis Hall - Click to view details
Added 5  May 2023
Stelling Minnis Village Hall page updated with new terms and conditions and hire charges - click here to view page.
Added 24 December 2022
KCC Public Protectiion - sign up for alerts on Doorstep crime and scams - click here to download MS word File
Click here to read other notices
Added 4 October 2022
Village Apparaisal action plan updated - click here to view
Added 13 July 2022
Stelling Minnis Common guide for new residents added - click here to view
Click here for other information about Stelling Minnis Common
Added 23 November 2020
GDPR Privacy Policy added - click here to read.
Added 9 July 2018
Letter from Kent Highways about vegetation on your property bordering a highway or footpath.  Click here to read or download.
Added 22 April 2016
Kent Police posters to view, download or print as PDF files - Fireworks, Trick and treat, contacts, social media. Click here for links to posters.
Added 22 October 2015


History society - link added to local historians web site of births deaths and marriages 1557 to 1900.

Added 15 October 2010


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The contents of this page is not the direct responsibility of Stelling Minnis Parish Council; it is provided as a community service.

Page designed and produced for Stelling Minnis Parish Council

Revised 25 July 2024

Web site url and hosting facilities kindly donated by Simon Wood of Terabyte Computing Ltd