Heritage Safari May 2023

In May 2023 we enjoyed the Heritage Safari itself, with sixteen talks (ranging between 15 and 30 minutes long) covering a diverse range of local topics, plus several displays and Colin Robbin’s guided walk around Stelling Minnis.


The event was held across five venues; the school, the two churches and both village halls, plus the windmill was open.  So much interesting information and tales were packed into one afternoon, but no one could possibly have got to every venue and talk.  Fortunately, all the talks were recorded by Canterbury Film Makers (there were four camera teams on the day), allowing our History Society to preserve these unique and valuable insights into our locality for future generations and others to view them now.   


The films were edited during the summer and images and other content added, including some from private records and some from the History Society archives.  The films premiered on four Sunday afternoons in the autumn using the newly installed projection kit at Stelling Minnis Village Hall.  Two missing talks were recorded during these shows.  Subsequently, there have been quite a few film sales.  All the funds raised were and are in aid of our two local churches.


A seven-minute taster of all the Heritage Safari films has been compiled,

and can be viewed on YouTube https://youtu.be/g4IddMQ-Aeo

The films are still available to buy.  Each Set is £12 on a memory stick and there are discounts for multiple sets.


Set 1. Our Countryside                      

Talk. Our Area of Natural Beauty

Talk. My 40 years at High Chimney & Scarps Farms

Talk. A big business with deep local roots 

Film. Davison’s Windmill (new)


Set 3. Local History                    

Guided walk around Stelling Minnis 

Talk. Four Chapels and a Church

Talk. It's good to talk 

Talk. Our school from 1784 to today

Talk. Lots of history at Upper Hardres

+ bonus feature: the military vehicle display

Set 2. Our Unique Minnis              

Talk. Many have walked these lands before us 

Talk. Evolution of the Minnis as a Common

Talk. The Ecology of the Minnis  

Talk. Managing the Minnis today

Set 4. The Villages in Living Memory        

Talk. Growing up here in the 1950s 

Talk. Oh yes it is!  The Bossingham pantos

Talk. My 50 years in a rural village 

Talk. Famous people locally

Talk. Bygone Bossingham


To order, just email markland26@gmail.com with a note of the Film Set(s) you are buying.


Over 50 people were involved in the project, so another big thank you to our speakers and guides, helpers at all the venues, the History Society (especially archivist Vicki Thwaites) and the team at Canterbury Film Makers.  This unique series of events would never have been happened without all of you.



The contents of this page is not the direct responsibility of Stelling Minnis Parish Council; it is provided as a community service.

 Page designed and produced for Stelling Minnis Parish Council by Nick Smith  -  22 January 2024

Revised 22 Januaury 2024

Web site url and hosting facilities kindly donated by Simon Wood of Terabyte Computing Ltd