The Monthly Village Magazine for Bossingham, Stelling Minnis and Upper Hardres

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Recent Magazine front covers

Pick a year or scroll down to view all

2021    2022      2023   2024


Fosm chain saw trainng completed
Mag cover picture February 2021
Mag cover March 2021
Mag Cover April 2021
FOSM Chain saw training completed
Rainbow over Stelling
A magical wonderland
Wild primrose
Mag front cover for June 2021
Mag front cover -  July 2021
Mag cover August 2021
Wild Primrose
Tree Stump Orchid and Moth
Mag cover picture - September 2021
Mag cover October 2021
Mag cover - November 2021
Mag cover December 2021
Fungi on Stelling Minnis Common
Garden Safari gardens (part 1)
Garden Safari gardens (part 2) Art Group Commission


Mag cover - Jan 2022
Mag cover - Feb 2022
Mag cover March 2022
Mag cover - April 2022
Stelling Minnis Village Hall
Christingles - Stelling Church
Cow Brushing
Spring Flowers
Mag cover May 2022
Mag cover June 2022
Mag cover July 2022
Mag cover August 2022
Decorated Message Stone
Garden Safari 2022
Maid of Kent Rose
Mag cover Sept 2022 Mag cover October 2022
Mag cover November 2022
Mag cover December 2022
Street Scene - Bus Shelters
Perenial Sun Flowers
Autumn Colours
Owl Christmas Post (Art Group Commission)

Mag cover Jan 2023
Mag cover February 2023
Mag cover March 2023
Mag cover April 2023
Waking to a New Year
(Art Group Commission)
And then it snowed
Witch Hazel : Hamamelis Magic Fire
Easter Hare
Mag cover  May 2023
June 2023
Mag cover July 2023
Mag cover August 2023
Hazel Catkins
Post box toppers
Wheat variety and agronomy trials
Common Blue Butterfly
Spotted flycatcher chicks
Mag cover picture October 2023
Mag cover - November 2023
Mag cover December 2023
Spotted Flycatcher chicks
Bossingham Preschool
Cor Nuts
Good King Wenceslas
(Art Group Commission)


Mag cover Jan 2024
Mag cover February 2024
Mag cover March 2924 Mag cover April 2024
(Art Group Commission)
Winter Flowering Heather
The Morning After
Mag cover May 2024
Mag cover June 2024
Rose Sparkle
Nag cover August 2024
Prunus Chocolate Ice (Flowering Cherry)
The Eastern Veil Nebula
Rose Sparkle
Colours of the Earth


The contents of this page is not the direct responsibility of Stelling Minnis Parish Council; it is provided as a community service.

Page designed and produced for Hardres and Stelling News by Nick Smith  - Last update 21 Juky  2024

 Web site url and hosting facilities provided by Simon Wood of Terabyte Computing Ltd